The Radio Archives collects and receives material from all the SABC Public Broadcast Services (PBS) Radio Services of which selected material is catalogued and stored in the various archive repositories across the country.
A small percentage of the collection is donated by former staff or the public.
The collection includes 78 r.p.m. disks, old broadcast tapes, minidisks, CD’s etc.
The Radio Archives has also initiated an oral history project. The project focuses on supplementing the Radio Archive catalogue by including interviews with personalities broadcast by the SABC. In addition, it has established a collection of natural and habitat sounds of Southern Africa.
The SABC Sound Archives preserves material for the following reasons:
1) To preserve SABC broadcasts and raw material as a corporate function;
2) To be of service as a well-organised source of broadcast material to the SABC;
3 To preserve permanently highlights in the history of the development and broadcast patterns of broadcasting in South Africa;
4) To bequeath to future generations an audio-image of South Africa at certain periods as it was portrayed by the SABC;
5) To provide researchers with information and facts on sound carriers that are not available in any other form;
6) To preserve, as part of the National Broadcaster’s function and as far as possible, complete recordings of the South African culture legends and oral traditions) including a comprehensive set of nature and habitat sounds of South Africa
Contact details:
Manager: Karen du Toit
+27 11 714 2718
Administrator & Restoration Officer: Brenda Klassen +27 11 714 3351
Requests: Joseph Lobeko +27 11 714 2848
Akhona Mfula +27 11 714 4881
Ikwekwezi Archivist: Danile Mohlamme +27 11 714 2386
Sport Archivist: Kgothatso Modipa +27 11 714 4671
Restoration Archivist: Obakeng Phiri +27 11 714 2045
Springbok Radio: Sipho Hlophe +27 11 714 3034
Channel Africa Archivist: (Intern): Philasande Khumalo: +27 11 714
News & Actuality Archivist (Intern): Nothando Mngadi +27 11 714 7872
Music Archivist: Florence Ramikosi +27 11 714 3054
Afrikaans Archivist: Marianne Valentine +27 11 714 7591
Transcription Archivist: Malebone Makena +27 11 714 2827
English Archivist: Tumelo Mahlaka +27 11 714 1605
Contact details for all TV and Radio sales related queries:
Telephone number +27 11 714 8066