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SA's ANC Secretary-General praises African countries’ support during apartheid

Date: Sep 27, 2024

South Africa's African National Congress (ANC) Secretary-General, Fikile Mbalula has hailed the role played by African countries during the apartheid era.

During the draconian regime, many African nations opened their doors to South African freedom fighters, providing safe havens, training, and support.

Mbalula thanks these frontline states for their unwavering commitment to the liberation of South Africa and Africa as a whole.

He was addressing families and dignitaries during the ceremony following the repatriation of over 40 South Africans who died in exile in Zimbabwe and Zambia.

“Indeed, many of our comrades went into exile so they could contribute in different ways to the liberation of our country. We remain grateful to the many nations of the world who embraced our people, supported our struggle, trained our people and provided our movement with the much-needed resources to wage our struggle in different terrains. The role of the frontline states who stood as a bulwark against the aggression of the apartheid state gave our struggle momentum and rallied the continent and the world behind our struggle.”



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