General News

SA Human Rights Commission champions youth empowerment

Date: Jun 17, 2024

The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) is set to conduct a pivotal dialogue in Olivenhoutbosch, in Pretoria, South Africa on Monday.

This initiative, aimed at educating young individuals on their rights and responsibilities, aligns with the commemoration of Youth Day.

The dialogue is particularly poignant as it follows the national observance of Youth Day, a day dedicated to remembering the brave student protests of 1976 against the imposition of Afrikaans in black township schools.

Wisani Baloyi, the spokesperson for the commission, outlined the dialogue's multifaceted objectives, "We are committed to enlightening our youth about their human rights and responsibilities, informing them about career paths, and underscoring their role in South Africa's progress. It's essential to provide a platform for them to express their concerns and ideas, to promote unity and solidarity, and to inspire active community participation."

The SAHRC's engagement is expected to be a cornerstone event, fostering a sense of agency among the youth and encouraging them to contribute meaningfully to the nation's development.

The dialogue is not just a commemorative event but a forward-looking approach to integrating the youth into the fabric of South African society as informed, empowered, and active citizens.



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