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SA Education Department working at dealing with bullying

Date: Aug 21, 2023

South Africa’s Department of Basic Education says it intends to enforce anti-bullying laws as part of the school's Code of Conduct.

The department has further urged learners to report any incidents of bullying to get the help they need.

The stance from the department comes on the back of an incident where a 15-year-old learner from Queens High School in Johannesburg, South Africa, died after allegedly being forced to ingest a toxic substance by his bullies, his family said.

Brian Ndlovu was one of the many victims of bullying in South Africa's schools, a problem that the Department of Basic Education is trying to address.

Department Spokesperson, Elijah Mhlanga, has reacted to the reported bullying incident. "The deaths are troubling because there are families who are grieving the loss of their children through indents of bullying which could have been prevented.

“By the time a child decided to take their own lives, it would have been a long time of suffering silently or reporting but someone not taking actions," Mhlanga said.



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