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SA parliament engaging with Executive to rectify Khoisan Leadership Act

Date: Sep 25, 2024

South African Parliament says it is in continuous engagements with the Executive to abide by the Constitutional Court order to rectify the Traditional and Khoisan Leadership Act.

By Mercedes Besent

The court declared the Act unconstitutional and invalid in May last year, but gave Parliament 24 months to rectify the Act.

It followed a successful Concourt challenge by the late land rights activist, Constance Mogale and other land rights organisations.

They challenged the constitutionality of the Act mainly on the basis that Parliament did not allow sufficient public participation during the process of the Bill.

Parliament only has about eight months left to meet the May 2025 constitutional court deadline.

Parliament’s Spokesperson, Moloto Mothapo says, “We are in constant communication with the executive as we are all aware the court has expressed itself with regards to the constitutionality of the bill and there are relevant time frames within which the defects have to be corrected by parliament. Our discussion or continuous interaction with the executive. There is  an agreement that the Bill will be introduced by parliament on October 31. So, once it comes to parliament it will be subjected to due process.”



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