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SA Civil society group rejects announcement of eradication of pit toilets in schools

Date: Mar 14, 2025

Civil society group Equal Education in South Africa (SA) has rejected Basic Education's announcement that 93% of identified pit toilets in public schools across the country have been eradicated.

The group says the department had missed several deadlines to deal with the toilets.

Minister Siviwe Gwarube announced that the toilets were eradicated through the Sanitation Appropriate for Education (SAFE), initiative.

Limpopo and the Eastern Cape reported incidents of learners who drowned in pit latrines. Head of research Mahfouz Raffee, “I don't think any credit is due.

This is at least the fifth deadline that the department has set for itself. There were previous deadlines in 2016/2018, 2020-2021, 2023 and so this first deadline at 93% is still unlikely.

Ninety three percent of 3 300 identified pit latrines is still well over 240.

The target was 100% by March 31, 2025 and they haven't reached that target and they are unlikely to meet that target.



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