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SADC Committee starts process of choosing 2024 Media Awards winners

Date: Jun 26, 2024

The 29th virtual Regional Adjudication Committee of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Media Awards has kicked off its meeting to select winners of the 2024 Media Awards.

The meeting started this Tuesday, and the committee will pick the winners from qualifying media entries received from SADC member States.

The winners of this year’s awards will be officially announced during the 44th SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government to be held in Harare,  Zimbabwe on August 17, 2024.

Angola’s Secretary of State for Social Communication Nuno Caldas Albino, who opened the meeting emphasised the important role of the media in fostering an informed citizenry, promoting democracy, transparency and accountability as well as improving the quality of lives of SADC citizens.

Albino encouraged member States to take the annual SADC Media Awards as an excellent opportunity to recognise journalists for “their work in promoting SADC regional integration and development”.

The Head of Communication and Public Relations at the SADC Secretariat Barbara Lopi encouraged journalists in the region to continue publishing stories about activities, programmes and the benefit of regional integration, co-operation and development.

The SADC Media Awards were established in 1996 to recognise best media work in disseminating information on SADC in “support of the process of regional co-operation and integration”.

Winners will receive certificates, and $2500 and US$1000 in prize money for each of the first winners and runners-up.

--ChannelAfrica\Linda Kea Moreotsene--


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