
Nigeria Dangote Refinery operating normally after fire

Nigeria's Dangote Refinery is operating normally after a fire at its effluent treatment plant, it said on Wednesday, after videos circulated online of dark plumes of smoke at the 650 000 barrel-per-day facility.


Nigeria to ban single-use plastics next year

Nigeria on Tuesday announced a ban on single-use plastics in government offices as a prelude to a nationwide ban set to begin in January next year.


Ruto rejects tax bill, returns it to parliament: Reports

Kenya's President William Ruto on Wednesday declined to sign a highly contentious finance bill that has sparked nationwide deadly protests, and has sent it back to parliament for amendments, Kenya's Star newspaper and KTN News reported.


Rainbow Chicken lists on SA's JSE

Leading South African (SA) poultry producer Rainbow Chicken listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange on Wednesday, as part of its unbundling from RCL Food.


Rand weakens as cabinet announcement nears

The South African (SA)Rand weakened in early trade on Wednesday, as markets awaited the announcement of President Cyril Ramaphosa's cabinet expected soon, with uncertainty over key appointments in the executive.


A mountain of asset sales loom after oil megamerger era

United States (US) oil and gas companies could face an uphill struggle to sell about $27 billion of assets to fund investor payouts over the next few years as the biggest wave of energy megamergers in 25 years nears the end of regulatory reviews.


Cases against European Union citrus measures progressing at WTO: SA

South Africa expects the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to set up adjudication panels in July to examine its two cases against the European Union (EU) over its phytosanitary measures for citrus imports, the country said on Wednesday.


ABSA will not be funding new coal powered plant projects”

As the race to transition from coal powered power stations to renewables, the ABSA Corporate Investment Banking Head of ESG, Msizi Khoza says the bank will not be funding any new coal powered plant projects.


“Rail Infrastructure in Africa needs investing in”

The African Rail Industry Association says Rail Infrastructure in Africa needs investing in.


Microsoft hit with EU antitrust charge over Teams app, risks hefty fine

Microsoft faces a hefty antitrust fine after the European Commission on Tuesday accused it of illegally linking its chat and video app Teams with its Office product, giving it an unfair advantage over rivals such as Slack.


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