About ChannelAfrica

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About ChannelAfrica
Station Profile
Channel Africa is an international radio station whose mandate is to support South Africa’s national interests through the production and broadcast of innovative, dynamic and stimulating content and contribution to the development of Africa.
Since the advent of the new democratic dispensation in 1994, Channel Africa, the international radio service of the SABC has been engaged in the process of redefining itself and repositioning itself so that it is in line with the new democratic values underpinning the new South Africa. During this period, Channel Africa was faced with the task of formulating a vision and a mission that would cast the station as a major role player in the field of continental and international broadcasting.
Although the preceding years have seen much effort to bring about this turn around (above), it is only in 2001 that significant strides were made towards the realization of these objectives. In its vision, Channel Africa states that it is "The Voice of the African Rennaisance”. In its mission statement, Channel Africa pledges “To produce and broadcast innovative and dynamic programming that informs, educates, entertains and empowers African citizens". The vision and mission of Channel Africa has, therefore, qualified Channel Africa as one of the world class players in international broadcasting.
As a station based in South Africa, Channel Africa recognizes that it has the responsibility to provide a window into the new democratic South Africa as well as a role to play in showcasing the democratic dispensation in the country. This also entails promoting a culture of respect for human rights as enshrined in our constitution. In the globalising world of today, the role of communication is pivotal to the survival and progress of the developing countries. As an African broadcaster Channel Africa is in the forefront of this struggle for development and the promotion of the ideals of the African renaissance.
It is in this context that Channel Africa states in its mission that it is "The Voice of the African Renaissance” and that it will endeavor in its programming “to reinforce Africa’s dignity, pride and sense of self worth.” Channel Africa, as a role player in the field of international broadcasting has been thrust onto the forefront of the struggle for Africa’s development and revival.
Channel Africa broadcast live on two platforms; Satellite and Internet. Its broadcasts are in Chinyanja, Kiswahili, English, French and Portuguese. The Satellite broadcast is via PAS 10 (Intel Sat 20) and is accessible through free-to-air satellite decoders.
The Satellite broadcast covers the Sub-Saharan Africa although it can be picked as far as London. The Internet broadcast covers the entire world.
To be the Voice of the African Renaissance.
To produce and broadcast dynamic and stimulating programmes that:
- inform, educate and entertain
- promote the regeneration, revival and rejuvenation of Africa
- promote democracy, peace and economic development
- reflect Africa’s socio-economic, cultural and political realities from an African perspective
- Promote democratic dispensation in South Africa.
- Promote the values of a non-sexist, non-racist, and people centered society.
- Promote poverty alleviation programmes.
- Promote economic empowerment.
- Reflect South Africa as a role player in continental and international affairs.
- Promote South Africa as a tourist destination.
- Promote South Africa as a viable and attractive destination for foreign investment.
- Platform for Africa’s Dialogues.
- Reinforce Africa’s dignity, pride and sense of self worth.
- Produce programmes that reflect the socio-economic and political realities.
- Portray the continent in a positive light; promote peace, development and prosperity.
- Encourage investment and trade relations.
- Promote inter-cultural exchanges among African countries.
- Support the African Union and its programme.
Accuracy , fairness, Innovation, Impartiality, Trustworthiness and Respect
Web Content Viewer (JSR 286)

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Web Content Viewer (JSR 286)

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